my sensitivity is my greatest and most overlooked gift


watercolour and ink on fabriano paper, 2022

For a long while, I perceived myself as being a very weak human being because I have always been so incredibly sensitive. I tried to hide my sensitivity. I developed a very hard exterior. I am now going through an enormous process of softening and interacting through that softness; embodying tenderness at every turn. To feel so deeply is a blessing.

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watercolour and ink on fabriano paper, 2022

For a long while, I perceived myself as being a very weak human being because I have always been so incredibly sensitive. I tried to hide my sensitivity. I developed a very hard exterior. I am now going through an enormous process of softening and interacting through that softness; embodying tenderness at every turn. To feel so deeply is a blessing.

watercolour and ink on fabriano paper, 2022

For a long while, I perceived myself as being a very weak human being because I have always been so incredibly sensitive. I tried to hide my sensitivity. I developed a very hard exterior. I am now going through an enormous process of softening and interacting through that softness; embodying tenderness at every turn. To feel so deeply is a blessing.