
After much contemplation, I’ve decided to commence writing a blog! Ha! The reason being that I’ve finally accepted that I have a lot of deep, insightful wisdom to share but I’ve held it back for fear of arrogance and only offered it in trickles to hungry minds. I’ve never wanted to pretend like I have all of the answers when I sincerely do not- you do.

Yes, you.

The answers are inside you and always have been. They are not external to you because there is no true separation between internal and external. All are one… each blending into the other on a sliding scale. Whatever you are seeking, you will not find in a state that you are separating yourself from. Read that sentence again.

Consider this- when we observe a rainbow, at what point does one colour become the next? It is a gradient that is ever changing and we choose points throughout it to divide it up and adhere labels to, keeping in mind that no two people will ever see it the exact same way. We then attribute meaning to each point of colour and we resonate with specific colours more deeply and reject others that we do not like as much. Our ego, stories, biases and filters affect specifically how we perceive reality. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it repeatedly until I exit my vessel- reality is a hot, subjective mess. We only see what we already are (whether we like it or not) and so, to move beyond that, we need to learn to see outside of the character we are playing. It does not mean that character needs to be completely abolished, but the character needs to evolve and to do that will need to continually experience death of all attachments. All attachments to stories must go to grow! Death is just an idea. Discomfort and triggers are necessary tools to grow your awareness. The character is a tool for play. Life is but a dream, and dreaming is play. For extra contemplation, consider the rainbow example in the context of sound, taste, touch; any of the sense bodies.

Another interesting point to consider is how we tend to label energy as positive or negative, experiences as positive or negative, our emotions as positive or negative. Good or evil. Right or wrong. We run toward pleasure and avoid pain. We all believe we are doing the highest good and are the ‘good guy’ in our story. Listen to the way you tell stories about your life. All of this is what creates duality. Duality serves a purpose for a time to acknowledge and appreciate contrast, but if one is focused on growth, one must move beyond a dualistic model into non-dual being. Watch how many times in a day you say the words ‘good’ and ‘bad. If you don’t notice something, I will be incredibly surprised. Duality does not account for understanding the softness between. Duality is ultimately rooted in harsh judgement through egoic filter. Even attempting to describe dual vs. non dual in itself is duality but I’m unable to express the transition without describing the contrast! (Paradoxical irony!)

Existing in the non-dual state is tricky, as the projections around you will still act in dualistic manner, (echoes/trickles/ripples). It will offer many opportunities for deep reflections of how you used to operate, you will strengthen your new neural pathways and you will cultivate a deeper level of awareness, compassion and perspective. It is important not to give away your authority at any point. Giving away your power and dissolving into victim mode will invite you back into dualistic world view. A pattern will form, (I will delve into patterns in my next blog post) which is not a ‘negative’ thing but will certainly give you an opportunity to work through it all again!

Ultimately, there is no us and them. There is no you and I. There is no self and other. This is one of the most deeply difficult realisations to integrate.

In transcending duality, you will notice that your worldview will become oriented around collecting perspectives like they are Pokémon Go! It will shift from onboarding righteous causes/virtue signalling and judging others who are on different pathways, to cultivating curiosity/deeper levels of understanding, consideration of all points of view, being able to observe your own blind spots and everything in between without labelling them as your subjective definitions of good and bad.

Judgement dissolves. Understanding evolves.

This evolution does not mean that you will abandon your moral compass, but rather you will simply release your continued attempts to control everything happening around you. It’s all just happenings. Not separate from you. Not specifically good or bad. You will learn the easiest way to allow movement or dissolution is to just accept that they are happenings; to accept yourself in entirety.

Righto champions, remember- don’t take life so seriously. It’s all a game, you’re a character, you’re creating your own reality/world so you don’t need to be a victim of it. Cultivate awareness of where you are being a victim. Own your shit. Take responsibility for your existence. Keep playfulness and curiosity with you!

Also important to acknowledge that you don’t need to be a hero. You can just be and that is enough.

love always, Li xx


Patterns matter and matter patterns